A Beginners Guide To Raising Baby Chicks: Raising baby chicks at home is a great way to break into homesteading! Fresh eggs every day! Yes please!  Along with the healthy eggs raising chicks is very rewarding! I have listed out my personal favorite items to start raising your own chicks. ​

Brooder Box
A brooder box is where your baby chicks will live for the first few weeks with you. My very first brooder box was made from a sheet of coroplast that I got from Home Depot. I scored the
4 sides and cut through only the corner flap. Use zip ties to hold the flaps to the other side. I then used window mesh that I secured over the top with binder clips to make sure they stayed in as they got bigger.  Your brooder should have plenty of space for them to move around comfortably, have a warm side with the heater and a cool side with no heat. You can also get a brooder kit that has everything included! Here’s a link to a great kit.

A Heat Source
Your baby chicks need a consistent heat source to maintain their body temperature. I have used a  radiant heat plate every time we raise baby chicks. Use a reptile thermometer to check the temperature under the heat plate. The brooder’s temperature should be around 95°F for the first week and gradually decrease it by 5°F per week until they are fully feathered and then you can remove the heater. We keep our baby chicks in the heated garage until they are ready to move out in the coop.

Your brooder box will need plenty of bedding to help keep the brooder clean and dry, and it provides a soft surface for your chicks to walk on. We use pine shavings from our local feed store!
Cedar shavings can be toxic to chicks.

Feeder and Waterer
Your baby chicks will need access to clean water and fresh food at all times! Place your feeders on the cool side of the brooder. Use a chick feeder and waterer designed specifically for their size to prevent them from drowning or getting trapped in their food. Here are the ones we have used in the past.

Chick Starter Feed
Your baby chicks require a specific diet to provide essential nutrients for their growth and development. Use a high-quality chick starter feed that contains 18-20% protein and is formulated for baby chicks. We do not use the medicated feeds. We use an organic feed from our local feed store.

Grit is necessary for chicks to digest their food properly. Provide a small dish of chick-sized grit or sprinkle some on their feed. We use the chick grit by MannaPro.

As your babies grow, they will enjoy perching. Providing low perches inside the brooder will help them develop balance and build strength in their legs. We use a wood dowel from Home Depot or a branch from the woods.

Cleaning Supplies & First Aid
Keep some basic supplies on hand, such as a disinfectant for cleaning the brooder, electrolytes to add to their water in case of stress.

Raising baby chicks is a joy to any home! Being prepared with the right equipment and supplies will ensure they grow up healthy and strong! ​


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